Mopatex - Cisne - Productos para la limpieza | Empresa - El CISNE
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Company, Mopatex, El Cisne
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Established during the 60’s, is a company dedicated, from their origins, to manufacture and commercialize cleaning products .
We are known in the cleaning market thanks to our trademark CISNE, being an important reference in all the international and national Fairs of our sector.
We have recently moved to a new building and our current size is 12.000 built square meters and we still have 20.000 square meters free for further enlargements. So we are getting ready to increase our production and improve the service for our customers.
In 1995, Mopatex, S.A. was the first manufacturing cleaning products firm to be awarded with the ISO-9002 Quality Norm. Following this pioneer pattern, once again, we were the first firm the cleaning sector to obtain, in 2016, the certification under the new ISO-9001:2015 NORM.

Our products are aimed both at the domestic and professional division.
Our company policy is mainly based on the following pillars: quality in all the fields of activity, excellent service, a wide range of all kind of products and seriousness in all our commitments.
Once we have made a brief introduction of our company, we proceed to show you our wide and varied range of products.

Remaining, as always, at your entire disposition, receive our sincere greetings and our thanks for your confidence.


Quality and Innovation

In Mopatex we take care to the maximum of our product, from its manufacturing process up to the stiff one and final presentation. All this is seen rewarded by the confidence that our clients deposit in the articles CISNE.
Thanks to it, in the year 1995, we were the first company manufacturer of products for the cleanliness certified under the norm ISO-9002. Following this pioneering line, in 2016 we have been, again, the first company of the sector certified under the new norm ISO-9001:2015.

Nevertheless, from our beginnings, we have taken the quality as an aim. For it, and being the thread the principal base of our made ones, we take care of its composition and purity from its origins. For it, our purchasing department has personnel dedicated to the search and selection of the raw materials adapted for every scale of articles. And, on them, we realize and control the processes of carving, spun and twisting, obtaining with it a suitable and constant quality.

Quality politics

The Quality Committee leads and promotes all activities of the Quality Management System with the aim of:

Meet all requirements and expectations of customers.

Offer the customer a product with High Quality level.

Show full transparency to the customer in the complete product features.

Continuously improve efficiency of the Quality Management System and our Internal Processes, taking into account the customers and workers indications.

Get a good involvement of the human team in all the processes of the company.

Integration of workers, processes and technology for a better efficiency in the management of all the company areas.

Improve the Image of the company.

Respect all regulations and legislation that is applicable to our products and services.

Encourage continued research and development of new products with the maximum quality standards.

This Policy must be known, understood and applied by all members of the company.

politica de calidad


The EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) allows to realize business us and to carry out transactions with clients and suppliers via electronic, avoiding the support paper and the administrative cost that it supposes. EDI is the electronic interchange of information constructed according to a few standards between different systems of information. In Mopatex we are employed at EDI from 1993, managing with it:

– To improve the quality of the information: the re-codify and record is eliminated from printed documents, avoiding with it work and mistakes.
– To reduce of the technological complexity to standardizing the protocols of communications: It allows that companies that use different systems of information should can communicate via electronic.
– To improve the interchange of information: The time of a transaction diminishes considerably. Besides, it allows to the companies to share plans of manufacture, reducing stocks and optimizing resources.
And since 2005 we have taken a further forward step issuing telematic invoices with digital signature.


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